2022 in 22 Cybersecurity statistics
In the first half of 2022 a reported 236.1 million ransomware attacks were reported on a worldwide scale.
The United Kingdom had the highest number of cybercrime victims per million users at 4783, that is up 40% over the 2020 figures.
In 2022 a case study covering the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand confirmed that they have suffered at least one cyber-attack in 2022. A 55% increase over the figure in 2020
69% of small business owners fear that if a cyber-attack was successful, it could put them out of business entirely.
In the United Kingdom alone, at least 39% of businesses of any size have experienced a cyber-attack in 2022.
The most popular form of cyber-attack against UK businesses is phishing and was identified to be 83% of attacks.
System misconfigurations were responsible for 13% of all breaches.
The human element was responsible for 82% of breaches in 2022, many fell victim to phishing attacks.
Insider threats have risen 44% over the past two years, with the cost per incident up more than a third to $15.38 million.
Intentional or unintentional insider threats were responsible for 43% of all breaches.
The average time it takes to contain an insider threat incident has increased from 77 days to 85 days, this has led to organisations to spend large sums on containment.
Small, medium and large businesses outsource their IT and cybersecurity to a third-party supplier 58%, 55% and 60% of the time respectively.
In 2022 only 43% of UK businesses were insured against cyber-attacks.
Three in ten businesses and one quarter of charities say they experienced at least one attack a week.
82% of companies provide access to third party vendors.
Supply chain was responsible for 62% of system Intrusion incidents this year.
82% of CIOs believe their software supply chains are vulnerable.
It’s estimated that by 2025 45% of organisations worldwide will have experienced attacks on their software supply chains, that’s a three-fold increase from 2021.
160% of knowledge workers are remote, and at least 18% will not return to the office.
Financial services take an average of 233 days to detect and contain a data breach.
An average cost of a financial services data breach is among the highest of any industry, at $5.85 million.
Employee burnout was reported to be the biggest impact of increasing cyber threats, with 38% of organisations listing it as a main flaw.
As businesses become more digitised and working remotely becomes more of a normality, cybersecurity risks pose even more of a threat than ever, costing all sizes of businesses millions every year. Many sources of attack come down to the human element, having an understanding on what to look out for and how to respond are some of the key things to keeping your business safe.
ATS Connection works hard with its clients to provide and support the tools and information required to keep businesses safe from cyberattacks. If you fell under one of the above statistics, then it’s time to get in touch, and we can get you set up to repel any attack.