Business phone numbers
Giving you the freedom to choose the number that you want with our business phone numbers. Deciding how you charge your customers with an option to share call costs you or simply purchase a local phone number, the choice is all yours.
How do I get a business phone number?
With millions of numbers available you are sure to find the perfect business number from ATS Connection. Offering you a range wide range of local numbers, freephone numbers and chargeable numbers.
So if you are looking to boost your customer service by offering your customers a free to call number or looking to make it easy for customers to get in touch with a memorable number, we have plenty of options available.
Are you looking to purchase a business number? Speak to one of our experts today.
Types of business phone numbers
Local numbers
Choose your perfect local area number without the need to install a new landline, making it easy and quick to get going.
Freephone numbers
Increase enquiries by up to 300% with an 0800 number that’s free to call from landlines and mobiles across the UK.
Business Numbers
Your customers can call a low rate 03 or 0333 numbers which are charged at a local UK landline rate.
High rebate numbers
Revenue generating high-rebate business phone numbers. A rebate of up to 8p per minute is paid on calls to your 087 number.
Rebate numbers
Cover the costs with an 084 number which will generate revenue of up to 4p per minute on every inbound call.
International Numbers
International numbers allow your customers to call you on a number that’s local to them, meaning a lower cost and a happy customer.

Why is it important to have a
business phone number?
Designed to be flexible, business phone numbers are designed to go wherever your business goes.
There are phone number options to suit every business, whatever your size, shape or sector.
Enhance your customer service levels with a business phone number – a fixed line number.